Albert Bruce Mainwaring (Feb 23, 1927 – Sep 6, 2022). Mainwaring was the founder of the Mainwaring Archive Foundation. He also served on the board……
Charles Leroy Ellenberger (b.1942, known as C. Leroy) is perhaps best known as a one-time advocate,[ref]Kronos Vol. X No. 3 (Summer 1985) p.24 “Contributors.” Invited……
Alfred Joseph de Grazia (also referred to as Deg, and as Joseph Grace), (born December 29, 1919 in Chicago, Illinois, died July 13, 2014 France)……
Immanuel Velikovsky (Russian: Иммануил Великовский Hebrew: עמנואל וליקובסקי, also Emmanuel Velikovsky) (b. 4:35 pm June 10 (May 29, Old Style) 1895 Vitebsk, d. November 17,……
Ierome Bernard Cohen (b. New York, March, 1, 1914, d. June 20, 2003) was the Victor S. Thomas Professor of the History of Science Emeritus……
Ralph E. Juergens (6 May 1924 – 2 November 1979)…
Dr Stace Victor Murray Clube (S.V.M. Clube) (born October 22, 1934 in London) is a British astrophysicist, previously Dean of the astrophysics department at Oxford……
Carl Edward Sagan (November 9, 1934 – December 20, 1996) was an American astronomer, astrochemist, author, and popularizer of astronomy, astrophysics and other natural sciences,……
Peter J. James (d. 2024) was a writer and historian, who describes himself as a ‘generalist’ in the study of the ancient Near East and……
George R. Talbott (Oct 1, 1925 – Jan 23, 2007 Orange, CA.…